Dear PolarTREC Teachers and Orientation Participants,      We look forward to seeing you all up here in Fairbanks, Alaska for the 2017-18 PolarTREC Orientation! We have a fun week of learning in store for you, but we also have some preparatory activities and important information for you outlined below. I know this is a long email, so thank you for taking the time to read it over.      1.) EXPEDITION PAGES We are close to having new expedition pages live on the PolarTREC website. You can find them by visiting (On the website, scroll to bottom of the page.)      Please review your expedition page and provide feedback, if necessary, to Joed at - Your researcher is reviewing the pages. (Jennifer Bault – please note that we have the wrong expedition information and are updating your page.) - Expedition dates are generalized for multiple projects. Firm dates will be updated when they are established. - At orientation, teachers will be learning how to post journals, post photos, and interact with folks through journal commenting.                     2.) ORIENTATION AGENDA An orientation agenda will be sent out on Monday.  Expect every day to be full and with several group dinners. If you have engagements that you’d like to attend, please email us and we can let you know what nights work best for doing other things.   We will send out last minute reminders on Monday as well.      3.) EVALUATION SURVEYS (DUE BEFORE YOUR ARRIVE) Please be sure to complete the following two surveys before you arrive at orientation. You should have received these in email from Jen Danielson at, via Survey Monkey.          PolarTREC Teacher Survey #1: Science Instruction Survey     PolarTREC Teacher Survey #2 Science Content Survey 2017      4.) POLARTREC APPAREAL If you would like to have the PolarTREC logo embroidered on any of your clothes or other gear, we have a great deal worked out with a local company. We will take your items to be embroidered at the beginning of the week, and they will be done and ready for you to take home by the end of the week. It is a small breast pocket sized logo and it is $10 per item. Please email Judy at with the number of items and what item types such as jackets, fleeces, t-shirts, bags, hats (knit or baseball), etc. by Monday, January 30. Some teachers like to buy their researcher a baseball cap for the field or something. See attached example logos.      5.) POLARTREC ALUMNI at ORIENTATION Every year we invite alumni teachers to attend orientation for support and mentorship. This year we welcome Lisa Seff, Mark Buesing, and Armando Caussade. Additionally, Lisa Seff is a teacher in your cohort, but also is available as a mentor due to her previous PolarTREC experience. Feel free to find these folks and their expeditions on the PolarTREC website.      6.) ORIENTATION CLOTHING FOR OUTDOORS We do have some outdoor excursions planned. Please bring warm clothes with you including boots, gloves, hats, coat, and even snow pants, if you have them. If you need any of these things, please email us at asap with a list of gear that you need and your size and we will find things for you to borrow for the week.      7.) FOOD CONCERNS As for our new teachers, we just want to confirm that we do not have any strict vegetarians or no major food allergies in the group for orientation. Please alert us if this is incorrect.  Your rooms at the hotel all have refrigerators and microwaves.  There are also grocery stores within a few blocks of the hotel, if you require something special.  Otherwise, our Orientation is catered (including breakfast) and we’ll have several group dinners.      8.) PRE-ORIENTATION ASSIGNMENT You will need the internet to read a few past journal entries and answer questions on the worksheet attached to this email. We will use your responses for some discussion during the week and stimulate your ideas for field journaling. You do not need to send this in ahead of time but please arrive adequately prepared.      9.) SEND A FUN FACT For an icebreaker activity, we would like you to e-mail Judy at with a fun fact about yourself. Don't share this with the other participants before our activity.      If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to call or email Judy or myself. We are looking forward to meeting you all soon! Best, Janet and Judy