If you have a preexisting relationship with a teacher or informal science educator that you would like to join your research, contact PolarTREC Program Managers at info [at] polartrec.com before filling out an application.

The goal of PolarTREC is to advance polar science education and understanding by bringing formal and informal, middle and high school educators and polar researchers together through hands-on field experiences. Occasionally, educators and researchers with preexisting relationships are interested in furthering their work together through the structured activities and financial support of the PolarTREC program.

This includes:

  • An educator (formal or informal) and researcher who have worked together in the past on their own or through a different program other than PolarTREC, and are now interested in working together and incorporating PolarTREC activities into their preexisting relationship.

  • Educators or researchers with a specific partner in mind but haven't had a preexisting relationship and want to collaborate exclusively.

While PolarTREC believes that supporting preexisting and ongoing educator-researcher relationships is very important, we feel strongly about building new relationships. Because of this, we have fewer opportunities to support educators and researchers with a preexisting relationship who are interested in participating in PolarTREC.

If any of the above conditions describe your situation, please follow the directions in the "Applying to Work Together" section below.

If you are unsure about your situation, please feel free to contact us at info [at] polartrec.com to discuss further.

Applying to Work Together:

  1. Both the educator and the researcher must complete the full PolarTREC Educator Application or PolarTREC Researcher Application by the specified deadline. Make sure the educator/researcher you are interested in working with is aware of this and the deadline.

  2. In the application, complete the question asking to list the name, institution, and email of the educator/researcher you are interested in working with.

  3. Both the educator and researcher must jointly complete the Supplementary Questions for Preexisting Educator – Researcher Teams:

Download Here

This document does not need to be submitted at the same time as the individual applications but does need to be submitted by the general application deadline.


  • RESEARCHER applications are due no later than Monday, 14 October 2019 (contact us if you need more time)

  • EDUCATOR applications are due no later than Monday, 7 October 2019, 5 PM Alaska Daylight Time (no exceptions)

The Selection Process and Next Steps:

  1. Both the educator and researcher's application are subject to the full PolarTREC selection process. Both of the applications must rank adequately to be further considered for selection.

  2. Both the educator and researcher will be asked to participate in a group interview with the PolarTREC Project Managers. This interview will be used to learn more about the research project and the plans for transferring the experience.

  3. If the educator and researcher are accepted into the program, they will receive a formal acceptance packet and further information. ARCUS will begin to organize travel to so that the teacher can participate in the required PolarTREC Orientation.

Important Items to Know:

  • If selected, educators and researchers with a preexisting relationship will be required to complete all PolarTREC Program Requirements. Please review these before completing the application.

  • Educators and researchers interested in working exclusively with one another should complete the Supplementary Questions for Preexisting Teacher – Researcher Teams. If a educator would like to be considered for other projects, or a researcher would like to consider other teachers, DO NOT complete this form, simply specify on your application your interest in this individual or research project.

  • We are flexible! If the research project has sufficient funds to cover the educator's full participation in the research experience, orientation, and ARCUS administrative costs, we will accommodate you. Please contact info [at] polartrec.com if you would like to discuss this option further.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the PolarTREC Project Managers at info [at] polartrec.com.