Energy and its Effects

As we explore Christchurch today, we are constantly reminded of the terrible year that this wonderful city has had. Christchurch has experienced three major earthquakes recently. The first occurred on September 4, 2010. That was a 7.1 magnitude quake, followed by earthquakes on February 22, 2011 and June 13, 2011. Prior to that, Christchurch had not felt the effects of a major earthquake in 80 years.

Earthquakes are energy traveling through the earth's surface as vibrations. Energy starts deep within the Earth, close to the core and travels outward through the different layers of our planet. The outer surface of planet Earth is called the crust. As the energy travels through the crust, it causes the Earth's surface to vibrate. These vibrations cause the molecules that make up the ground to vibrate in an organized way, sort of like a stadium wave at a baseball game. Because of these organized vibrations, the energy travels very quickly and the effects can be very scary. Scientists call these vibrations energy waves, and in this case mechanical waves. In truth, the ground moves a lot like ripples on water and the buildings on top of the ground receive energy like a seagull bobbing up and down in ocean waves.

The problems really begin when the vibrations travel through human-made structures like roads and buildings. Depending upon the age and way a building was constructed, it may not remain standing. Many of the older buildings in downtown Christchurch have been heavily damaged and deemed unsafe for people. It is really sad to see that some of the buildings I visited back in 2005 are no longer here.

My heart is breaking for the wonderful people of Christchurch. This is an amazing city, full of the arts, delicious food, and wonderful people. To see how they have been affected by the earthquakes is a tragedy. There are simply no words to express the sorrow...