Journal Entry

Update from Ms. W.

One member of Theodore's team that has been hard at work recently is Ms. W. Ms. W. called her home school today, Nash Primary School, in Weymouth, Massachusetts. It was a great opportunity to share some of the major events that have happened here in Antarctica related to three key "W" words: Weather, Water, and Worms.


Miss W. showed all the boys and girls all of her work with the ECW gear. If you haven't read our journal entry on ECW gear, check it out by clicking here.

Ms. W. hangingMs. W. hasn't been just hanging around. Ms. W. bunny bootsMs. W. knows the importance of dressing for the weather.

Ms. W. also shared how we travel across the ice and snow in all types of weather using our Pisten Bully. Stephanie and Annamarie have been showing Ms. W. how to be a Pisten Bully Pro.

Ms. W. PBMs. W. working with the Pisten Bully.


To study the organisms living in the water, you need dive gear. The Dive Locker staff suited Ms. W. up in all of the dive gear.

Ms. W. regulatorMs. W. checks out the SCUBA regulator. Ms. W. drysuitMs. W. checks Mike's drysuit for holes. Ms. W. tankMs. W tries out a full set of gear, including a tank. Ms. W. finsMs. W. tried on Diver Steve Rupp's fins. Ms. W. helmetMs. W. working the helmet.


Ms. W. has become something of a marine worms expert. She's been a big help in the lab.

Ms. W. labMs. W. helps us in the lab. Ms. W. pipetteMs. W. working with Annamarie and Stephanie's pipettes. Ms. W. samplesMs. W. watching over some samples.