Journal Entry

Fairbanks, I'm back...

Well, it's been a bit of a journey to get here. Two car rides, three flights, four time zones and about 60 degrees cooler. I left Delaware Friday evening at 6 PM and arrived in Fairbanks, Alaska on Sunday morning at 1 AM.

Mac sleepingThis was all the help I got when packing!

Here's a quick summary of the adventure thus far:

  • Depart Delaware for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (100 miles)
  • Fly from Philadelphia to Minneapolis, Minnesota (1,100 miles)
  • Fly from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Anchorage, Alaska (3,000 miles)
  • Fly from Anchorage, Alaska to Fairbanks, Alaska (300 miles)
Minnesota BearHow clever is this bear statue in the airport? Snoopy StatueThis Snoopy statue made me smile in Minneapolis. Minnesota MooseCheck out this moose statue in the Minneapolis airport!

What are you doing back in Fairbanks?

I am really excited to be back in Fairbanks, Alaska to work with the 2013-2014 PolarTREC teachers. It's an exciting time! These teachers are preparing for their expedition in the Arctic or the Antarctic. There is so much to do from practicing with the technology and talking about crafting good journals to talking about survival and safety in the field.

I can't wait to report back tomorrow on everything that we are doing together!

MoosetracksI must be getting close…

Something to Ponder

Here's something that was shared when we first got together as a group. I've heard this before, but it really sank in.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover."

-Mark Twain