Journal Entry

A not-small part of doing scientific field work is developing a positive relationship with your co-workers. Not only are you working with them 12-16 hours per day, but you are living with them. IceBridge operates like a family, but it takes effort and planning – just like a real family.

Last night the team went to dinner at the Row Club. The restaurant is on a lake three miles out of town at the former rowing club, when this was a U.S. air base. The chef prepares traditional Greenlandic fare buffet-style as you can see in the photos below. I tried everything once – just like I tell my own kids.

Dinner with the TeamDinner with the team. First CourseOn this plate: reindeer (both raw and cooked), muskox (I'm a big fan), seal (not a fan), whale (including muscle, skin, and blubber), cooked and raw fish (several different kinds, all good), and the other stuff you can probably identify yourself. SteakMuskox and reindeer steak. Tastes like chicken! No surprise, it was actually a lot like beef and venison. Lake FergusonThe restaurant is the former rowing club. Row ClubA beautiful setting for a little team bonding over dinner.