Journal Entry

ARCUS Orientation – Fairbanks, Alaska – March 22-25, 2007

Hello everyone!

Today, I met the other 12 PolarTREC teachers from around the country who will be going on their own expeditions with science teams. The Principal Scientist (PI) from each team joined us via telephone conference call for what is called a "webinar". A webinar is like a seminar but is presented with voice from the telephone along with photos shown from a web site. It was great meeting all of the scientists and the other teachers!

After dinner, a group of us took a walk down the Chena River to see a bit of the area. The hair in my nostrils felt prickly as it froze in the subzero air. This was a first for me. Unexpectedly, we came upon a river boat iced in for the winter.

River boatRiver boat

Friday was safety training day!! We learned to survive in the field in harsh environments. We learned how to deal with injuries, keep warm , and prevent frostbite and hypothermia.  This is me in a Blizzard Jacket!

Safety TrainingSafety Training

After dinner, we went to the Fairbanks World Ice Art Championships. There were over a hundred ice sculptures of all shapes and sizes bathed in colorful lights. I've never seen anything like it in my life! It was incredibly beautiful.

Ice Park 1Ice Park 1 Ice LionIce Lion

We were given our technological equipment and for the next two days, we learned how to use it. We each got a computer, audio recorder (like an MP3 player), and a digital camera.

Last night we attended a reception at the Museum of the North at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, with a group from the GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program. This program involves students collecting and sharing environmental data from their local areas. My students have been involved with the program since 1995. I was excited to see some of my GLOBE friends. I was introduced to a group of GLOBE alumni from countries all over the world, some of whom I had met at GLOBE conferences in Croatia and Helsinki. I hope to hear from GLOBE students from around the world.

GLOBE alumniGLOBE alumni

I hope you follow my journey and drop me line now and then!! Talk to you soon!