Journal Entry

Peggy's Weather Report from Hallet Lake Camp:

Time: 2:40 pm Temperature: 11.7 C 52.7 F Humidity: 60% Wind: 12 km/hr from South Clouds: Nimbostratus Cloud Cover: 100% overcast Light level: off scale of 2000 X 10 Lux At breakfast Heidi succumbed to wiping her face with a Huggie wipe. She appreciated the brown film deposited on it; it made her feel like she had earned that dirt from all the work she had been doing. I took my biodegradable soap down to the lake and washed. The temperature of the water was 12 C, invigorating! It felt great to cut through a few layers of dirt. Next time, my hair! It’s been 8 days since I’ve had a shower. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because the dirt creeps up on you slowly as it builds and you have time to adjust, and everyone with you is just as dirty as you are.

We had awakened at 5 am to load and get ready to fly back to Tolsona. Caleb called to see if Jerry, our pilot, was coming to pick us up. Hallet is known to have very windy weather and we suspected we might be delayed. I worked on writing while the others designed a campfire circle with rock chairs around it to pass the time. The weather worsened, got windier. We were definitely not going out today. We hung around the camp, read, rested, hiked a little. I tried to process and send a few photos to PolarTREC from the tent, but I think I will have to make the file sizes smaller because the website would time out before the image was sent. I did get some questions answered for "Ask a Question” on PolarTREC. I spent the afternoon in my tent resting and writing.

I really appreciate the last minute purchase of my Crazy Creek chair, which is a fold-out cushioned seat you can lean back on and adjust to fit. It has made what could be a very uncomfortable situation into a quite comfortable one. My legs are sore from yesterday’s hike, so they will get a rest today. Its cooler and I am wearing more layers.

We had dinner and card games in the kitchen tent for our usual entertainment. Maybe tomorrow we will get back to Tolsona and head for Valdez!

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