What are the team members like? Do they all get along? Where do they come from and what are are they researching? How many times have they been to Antarctica? These questions and more will be answered in this journal.I have spent enough days in the camp to have a good idea of the personalities and roles of the team members. I don't know if the roles are assigned or assumed, but I will share my views as an outsider. This journal will introduce 4 of the 6 members of the team. Tanner Kuhl, the driller, will be profiled in another journal. Dave Marchant has managed to disappear each time I show up with my audio recorder. Beacon Valley is large and Dave can certainly hike many miles in a day, but eventually he has to come back to camp. You can run, but you can't hide - even in Antarctica.
For the record, everyone gets along very well. Even with the severe weather conditions, there is constant smiling and joking. I can honestly say that this is the most congenial group of people I have ever worked with.
Andrew is an undergraduate and the youngest member of the team.Andrew and I share a bond because unlike the other team members, this is an extraordinary once in a lifetime experience for us. Andrew is kind and extremely helpful. He is assuming more responsibility and turning into a good cook.
Gareth is funny, a great cook, dancer, and guitar player?Gareth shares meal planning and cooking with Joe, and is always upbeat and happy. He really comes alive when the iPod is turned on. He and Joe enjoy talking about the menus and what they will prepare. His humor is infectious and it is hard to be in a cranky mood because of the cold when you are around him.
Joe seems quiet, but has a wicked sense of humor.On first impression, Joe is quiet and reserved. His sense of humor creeps up on you and I have to listen carefully to determine if the end of his conversation consists of information or a punch line. He is also a fantastic cook. Make sure you read the Thanksgiving journal.
Sean is watchful, creative, and looks out for me.Sean is the only member of the team with the exception of Dave that I had spoken to prior to the trip. He organized the videoconference and mastered the technical challenges of a program that we had not used before. I know he makes sure that my tent is secure during the frequent strong winds. His talents continually surprise us.
Stay tuned for audio interviews with Tanner and Dave, and more adventures from Beacon Valley.