I've got my Gear!
I spent the morning at the International Antarctic Center. We underwent required training...the usual for any new job- fire prevention, harassment policies etc. Then, it was over to clothing.

I walked in to find a big red bag with MY name on it. It was like Christmas. Boots, bibs, fleece, and Parkas oh my! I tried on every piece of clothing(at once!) I checked every zipper, and double checked the velcro. I even exchanged my boots three times.

The Center was great at getting everyone outfitted with exactly what they needed to do their job. We even had time to hang around with the locals...

Christchurch has been a beautiful host for the past two days. The downtown district is an eclectic mixture of street art, old English style buildings, and modern structures. There is construction still happening everywhere as they continue in recovery mode from the devastating earthquake of 2011. The people are friendly and of course, I am loving their accent. Some of the expressions that I've learned are interesting....

Ice, Ice, Baby!
Tomorrow morning, by alarm will ring at 4:30 AM. I have a feeling that I'll already be awake though. The Kiwi hospitality has been nice, but its time to head to the bottom of the world! I'll take the shuttle to the Clothing Distribution Center at the International Antarctic Centre. There, I'll get into my layers upon layers of cold weather gear, and prepare to board the plane. I've been told that it will be a c-17. Then a six hour flight and a one hour snowcat ride to get to McMurdo. So tomorrow night-- pictures of that white stuff!
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