Another Beautiful Day
We started out a little cloudy today, and in the afternoon...we got our first snow since I have been here! We tried to preserve snowflakes to bring home, but it wasn't working...yet. I'm not giving up though!
Mt Erebus under a cloudy sky(2)Cuteness
Photo by Alex Eilers (PolarTREC 2014), Courtesy of ARCUSJust for fun, I wanted to include an adorable seal pup picture. This was taken by a fellow PolarTREC teacher Alex Eilers in 2014. I am really having fun learning about these pups. Not only are they cute, but they are amazing divers!
Testing Day:Time 0
I actually felt like a scientist today! It was awesome. We began the first stage of all of our tests today. I got to help Andrew with the behavioral study. In the video below, Andrew explains the protocol we use and why we use this to test fish behavior.
We record basic information to go with each video. This should look familiar to all my is a lot like the data sheets from our LiMPETS project!
Data sheet for recording basic information on each behavioral test. GoPro bucket lid set up for videotaping fish behavior during testThe bucket lids are each fitted with an Andrew-engineered box to secure the GoPro in place.
Putting go pro lids onThen the lids with the video camera's are placed on the bucket.
Denise Hardoy centers video lid over information sheet for the specific test.The video campera captures an image of a card with the vital information to ensure that nothing gets mixed up.
The circles and grid help to map out behavior on the video during testingEach bucket has a set of rings and a grid to help map out where a fish is at any given time. When this video is run through their software, it performs an analysis of several factors of behavior.
Shout Out
Mrs. Murray's Third Grade Class PenguinsToday's shout out goes to Mrs. Murray's third grade class from Blue Oak Charter School in Chico, California. You all did such a nice job on your penguins! I will get them back to you when I return from Antarctica. Thanks for following my trip to learn more about the science happening at the bottom of the world!
Stay Cool,
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