Live Event
Don't forget to sign up for my live PolarConnect event coming up this Wednesday at 9:15 A.M.Pacific Time!! Register here:
Anyone can register and join live. Dr. Todgham and I will be talking about Antarctica, life at McMurdo Station and the science we are doing down here. Then we will take questions. Hope you can join us!
Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration
Today, I vered off the science path and strayed into history for a while. Not far from McMurdo Station sit three "huts" left as remnants of harsher times. With little decay and some timely restoration, these huts look just as they did more than a hundred years ago- crates stacked just so, long underwear drying on the line, reindeer sleeping bags in the cots, and dry goods to get through a season. You can smell the must in the clothes, and it's not hard to imagine Shackleton or Scott kicked back in a chair planning out their route to the South Pole. The enormity of their accomplishments, their grit, and their sacrifice are palpable. Step back in time with me for a minute to discover four expeditions, three huts, two men, and one goal.
As I sit today in the nice warm library, sipping coffee and answering e-mails, it's hard to imagine what these men endured to reach their goal. Today we battle the unforgiving environment with parkas, satellite phones, and handwarmers, and yet, it still sometimes wins. This may be a lesson in history, but these were men of science. McMurdo Station is built on the knowledge that they uncovered over a hundred years ago. It makes you think. What will be accomplished with the discoveries of our modern day heroes? Hats off to the scientists and the men and women of the station that make the science possible.
Stay Cool,
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