Journal Entry

Homeschool Days at the Aquarium of the Pacific was a blast! I met so many people interested in education and learning more about polar science.

Me at outreachOutreach at Homeschool Days

Tons of kids and adults alike had fun trying on the Extreme Cold Weather Gear and the Art Contest is really popular!

Kids trying on gearDavid D. and Daniel D. try on ECW gear at Homeschool Days

I even made a special friend.

Me and OtterI met an otter at Homeschool Days

I can’t wait for my next outreach event!


Dominique Richardson

Hi Tom,That's a great question! The blue ice you're referring to is probably glacial ice or from ice bergs that have calved (broken off) glaciers. Glaciers are incredibly dense ice with very few air bubbles, having build up over very long periods of time. Due to the structure of this very dense ice, red and redish light are absorbed while blue light goes through the ice more readily. This leaves only blue light to be reflected back at us making the ice appear blue. In pictures where you see white ice, this is most likely snow or more recent ice, which contains lots of light-scattering air bubbles, that reflect all light wavelengths making it look white. Sometimes ice can contain impurities like dust or algae that can even give it other colors like red or green! Hope this answers your question!

Tom Richardson

I some pictures the ice looks blue. Why?


Hi I am from your friend mrs.barlows class and I would just like to say I enjoy reading your journal and am looking forward to looking more into your journal

Dominique Richardson

Hi Adrian!Thank you so much for following my journal! I'm glad you're enjoying reading it. Have you entered the art contest yet? I look forward to seeing your design! I have a lot more fun stuff coming up so please, keep checking back.

Lisa Seff

Hi Dominique! Love the flag contest idea! I'll forward it out to all of our teachers. AND the pictures of your kids wearing the extreme cold weather gear are priceless! So happy you had a blast too!-take care, Lisa