Journal Entry

This morning we went to Heald Island again. As we land it is necessary to wait until the helo tech tells us that it is alright to exit the helicopter. The helo tech also unloads the cargo and the survival bags. Those survival bags are really heavy and the helo tech today was a fairly small young woman.

A helo tech unloads the vehicle.The helo tech has a really fun job riding around in the helicopter but it is also hard work.

Today we are moving the camp. We also brought another tent to put up that is bigger and hopefully more comfortable than the Kiva tent. We had to drag everything down about a quarter of a mile using the banana sled and straps.

Today we moved camp.We have to drag everything over the ice using straps and the banana sled.

The new tent is known as an Endurance tent and it looks like half a circle. Putting up the tent proved to be quite a challenge. The poles didn't quite work the way the directions showed and this frustrated Scott a lot. It was the first time that he got irritated since we have been in Antarctica.

Putting up the new tent.This tent was a little frustrating because the pieces didn't look like the directions.

When the tent was finally completed, the result was much nicer than that Kiva tent but not as nice as the Arctic oven. They also gave us an old Endurance tent and it was very dirty. I guess they were afraid that we would destroy this tent too so they only gave us one they wouldn't mind losing.

The Endurance tent.The new tent was bigger than the Kiva but not as nice as the Arctic Oven.

The inside of the new tent was much bigger. There was an area for me to sit and read and the space for the control center was great.

The computer set-up in the new tent.It important to have a space for all four computer screens. We also try to have a level floor.

I took another walk just before we left. The scenery is magnificent (I'm running out of superlatives to describe Antarctica). I especially like the glacier that is straight across from our field camp. It is just breath-taking and I want to keep taking pictures so that I won't forget what it looks like. I am starting to realize that I will be leaving soon and I am trying to capture every little detail and take it with me. If you get a chance to come to Antarctica, then grab it. It will be a life-changing experience. It has been for me.

One of the glaciers on Heald Island.The scenery here is just amazing. Don't you agree?