Journal Entry

An interview of sorts the last day of my verbal words exchanged, only written...and LOTS of giggling and smiles


**Me: **Kaleigh-How do you feel about your Aunt Shell going to Antarctica?

Kaleigh: Aunt Shell-I feel awesome about it, and it is cool about how you can eat 2 chocolate bars a day. Awesome!

Me: What advice do you have for me?

Deep in ThoughtKaleigh gives serious thought to my questions.

Kaleigh: Aunt Shell-I got nothin'!

Me: Do you think I'm just a wee bit crazy for wanting to do this?

Kaleigh: Yeah!

**Me: **What do you know about Antarctica?

**Kaleigh: **There are penguins and polar bears.

Me: The polar bears are up north. How would you like to dive under the ice like Dr. Kim and SCINI?

Kaleigh: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! No!

(And for the record, I counted every single "r" to assure accuracy.)

An AuntShellwich!Kaleigh and Ian have me sandwiched! They sure are getting big!!