Journal Entry

I woke up at 4 am this morning to find out that we'd gone to Condition 2 sometime last evening. The winds created incredibly deep snow drifts all over the place, and I ended up in one outside of Crary Lab that put me in snow to almost mid thigh! Where are snow shoes when you need them??

Winter Wonderland!Snow drifts are deeper than they me!

Visibility was quite poor to say the least-under ΒΌ mile. That's why we're in Condition 2.

I Know The Top of Ob Hill Is There SomewhereObservation Hill is partially obscured by the storm Do You Think Any Flights Will Land Today??I know there's a runway out there somewhere.

And, because we're being pounded by this massive and strong low pressure system, we are grounded today. No helo flights; although, I don't really see why not.

WHY Can't We Fly Again?!?!?I don't understand why we can't fly today. Grounded!Condition Two means that we are not flying today.

Even Koru had some trouble in the storm after we coaxed him out. But, his independent streak almost got him a quick, free trip up the coast.

I Don't Want To Come Out!Koru hunkers down in "Big Red". Hey!! Let Go!!Koru experiences his first Condition 2. Wait!! Hang On!!Koru struggles in the 30+ mph winds!

We were supposed to fly to Bratina Island today to once again drill holes to determine how deep the water really is there. What we ultimately find out will determine what our plans for the field are.

Bratina Displays an Interesting LandscapeNow I know why I was handed microspikes yesterday! Gotta Love Power Drills!Bob takes a break from drilling holes.

So, what did we do in lieu of flying out?? Take a peek and see!

No!! Do NOT Do It!!Kamille's first snowball of the season.

Yup! Kamille pegged me! She kinda threw like a girl though.

Antarctic Angel or Snow Star? What Say You?I felt like a little kid out here today!

Gotta love a "snow day" down here...not because it puts you in a Christmassy mood, but because it means that it is warm out!!

Tough Wearing Glasses Here!The driving snow makes seeing a bit difficult.

Hoping for better weather tomorrow so that we can head for Cape Royds as planned. I'm excited about seeing a penguin rookery--and an Adelie one at that!! In the meantime, enjoy another little iMovie that pretty much sums up the morning. Enjoy!
