I came back from the Cinder Cones at noon today via snowmobile so that I could try to get unburied with my online journaling. Yes...I'm sure you're still waiting with baited breath to hear all about our time in the field. But, I still ask that you be patient. We're still doing day long-very long-day work with SCINI at a variety of locations around McMurdo. Just to give you an idea of how long the days are, here's my day so far. I was up before 5 am to do laundry and to get caught up on school stuff and answer questions posted on my PolarTREC website and to get caught up on e-mails as well.
I hit breakfast around 6:55 am which is late for me as I'm usually in the lab by that time. I wolfed down a quick breakfast and was at the lab by 7:15 am. We're required to be here by 7:30 am, but I'm at my freshest first thing so I try to get some work done here as well before the work day begins. This morning we loaded up and were on our way by 8:30 am and had I not come back at noon, I would've just been getting back at 7 pm.
After taking the time to unload and put things away, we will head to dinner...having had to call ahead to have them make a plate because we missed the normal hours. Then for most of us, it's back to the lab to get more work done, data backed up, SCINI ready to go again, etc. I'm usually pretty whipped and bleary eyed by 9 pm and head to bed, but sometimes it's a little later than that. That's a pretty typical day here-including weekends. So you'll understand what you're about to lay your eyes on next.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words!While I am exhausted, I have two missions this evening: 1) to finish this particular entry outlining my plans for blogging when I return, and 2) our very own David is making his debut at the Coffee House tonight at 8:30. That should find me in bed by 9:30-after a quick bowl of cereal-- so I'm excited on two fronts!
Fellow PolarTREC teacher Gary Wesche stopped by this afternoon. He's actually having the opposite problem as I am as he is delayed here and has too much time on his hands, but he had a great idea for me. I was telling him about all the journal entries that I had planned but just don't think I'll be able to get to because of our schedule in these closing days...which I'm trying not to think about because it breaks my heart. But, that's a story for another day.
There have been some questions that I've chosen not to answer because I wanted to turn them into journal entries replete with pictures and/or iMovies. Some of the topics to be addressed are: what do we do with our garbage when we're out in the field, the crosses of McMurdo, the meals I eat, SCINI's "Happy Dance", SCINI's case, the assortment of vehicles here and a few others. Here's my plan. I will continue blogging when I return to the states; I still have SO much to share and have much more to still process. So, please keep following!!!
I'd like to address one more final issue, so allow me to get up on my soap box for a bit. People have commented that I seem to spend an awful lot of time answering questions and e-mails, but that's something that I have committed to and am committed to. I believe that outreach is a huge part of this whole experience. It's not about me. It's about students first and foremost and the public and why this place is so important to the science community and ultimately the world at large.
I'm committed to answering every single question and not just with a pat response. I will answer a question in full, and I will answer every e-mail.
I believe that people's curiosity...student's curiosity should be fanned until it burns within them, burning away any apathy that exists....apathy that is so prevalent today. I also believe that this experience is planting seeds within those following. Who knows what that may lead to some day! I may be reading blogs of someone who followed me and is now down here experiencing what I have experienced! That's exciting!!
And I don't believe that seeds are being planted exclusively in students. Who knows what may be stirring in some of you adults...and more "mature" individuals. LOL! Maybe you feel compelled to go on a little hike or try a little camping or even enroll in a class to learn something new. Maybe some of you are remembering your dreams, hopes and aspirations and feel them whispering your name again. That's what puts a HUGE smile on my face! That's what makes the exhaustion worth it. It's about "possibilities"! Just imagine the possibilities!!
I challenge you to think outside the box and do something out of your comfort zone!