Journal Entry
This will be short as my day started at 5:30 am before heading to the sea ice edge around 8:30 am. We finally arrived back at the lab after 9 pm, and it's almost 10 pm now....and I still have to eat dinner!! I'm hungry!!! But, it finally happened!!! PENGUINS!!!!! Up close and personal!!! Here's just a taste.
Two emperor penguins check us out as we drive by. A little penguin party on the pack ice This adelie is headed my way!!! This emperor stayed nearby all day just hanging with us.Stay tuned for more about this day, but know that while I was ecstatic about having penguins around, I was likewise sad as it was SCINI's last dive of the season.
Just be patient as tomorrow we start cleaning and packing everything, so I'll be BUSY!!!!