Journal Entry

Last spring, I began having my seniors and science students make dream flags that I intended on bringing with me to fly down here in Antarctica. This year's science students did the same. (My good friend Marie donated her time to hem each flag. Thanks Marie!)

Each thought carefully, and a couple chose to do prayer flags. The dreams were varied, but here are they are: own a vet clinic, own a restaurant, go to Ireland, to love, laugh, dance, sing, act, design, to graduate high school and go on to college, become a massage therapist...a tattoo artist, an anime voice actor, to play for the Giants (I guess that's better than playing for the Bills...sorry, I'm a Dolphins fan!), to get married and have pets and children, to have a cleaner, safer world for her family....a reminder that even though there are hard times in life, there's a reason and life goes on...and prayers for our military.

It was wonderful to see these colorful flags flapping (or whipping) in the Antarctic winds that were pretty common while we were out in the field November 17--27. (I'll never complain about wind in New York state ever again!)

WINDY!!Winds at 32.6 pmh and increasing!! Dreams Being Carried By Antarctic WindsThese flags snap to attention in 40 mph winds.

We had "calm" once, so David helped me jump at the chances to get video foortage and pictures.

Finally...Calm!Standing proudly alongside my students' dream flags Everyone Has A Dream Or TwoWhat's yours??

You've probably noticed the Lady Vols flag by now. And, those of you who know me know that I'm a huge fan and have a tremendous amount of respect for Coach Pat Summitt. As a coach myself, I've looked to her as an excellent role model of what makes a first-rate coach. (Although, her icy stare sends chills up my spine...LOL!) And, my guess is that no college flag has been flown this far south, so I wanted to be the first, wanted to show my "colors" and fly it in a place that no one has likely ever been before. Besides, Lady Vols fans are fans regardless of where they are!

I Bleed Orange!Lady Vols fans know no bounds!

While I'm dreaming of a 9th National Championship, please don't think that's all I dream about. That's surface stuff. I dream of beginning another career once I retire in a few short years...perhaps one in wildlife management or environmental studies. But, I also dream of families being restored, as I see such brokenness today. I dream of hearts being healed and tears being wiped away; there's such sadness, loneliness and hurt in people's lives. I dream of working together to move forward as a country instead of insisting on tearing each other apart because we belong to "the other side." Any house divided against itself will fall...enough of the divisiveness.

I also dream of our youth doing things greater than we as adults thought possible--in our life time anyways. Perhaps we'll see a cure for cancer...or replacement knees that last more than 15 years. (I REALLY dream of that!) I dream of my students seeing the fulfillment of their dreams.

And, I dream of the day when I can return to this magnificent, majestic place that first captivated my heart from afar and then captured it once I beheld it.

Reflect a bit...what do you still dream of or hope for? And, what are you willing to do to see it come to fruition?
