After finishing my packing and doing some last minute work at school, my husband and daughter drove me to the Flagstaff airport and I said "good bye” to them for 7 weeks. I still can’t believe I’m going to be away from them for so long, and so far away… Then my flight was delayed. And delayed again. And then cancelled! I was nervous because I didn’t want to miss meeting my SCINI team in Los Angeles, but I got in a taxi with a young couple from Philadelphia who had been hiking at the Grand Canyon, and our taxi driver got us to the airport in Phoenix in 2 hours! Have you ever taken a taxi for 2 hours before? The only bad part was it had no air conditioning and it was 104 degrees F in Phoenix!
Inserting picture soon.
While I was waiting for my new flight to Los Angeles I met a student that graduated from Logan High School in Logan, Utah in 1998, the same year I left teaching there to move with my family to Flagstaff. One of the best parts about being a teacher is seeing former students and learning what they are doing now!
I finally flew into Los Angeles and took the shuttle to the Bradley terminal to meet my team. It was great to see them again – and we’re all excited for the adventure to begin!