Journal Entry

"The Antarctic is the most beautiful place in the world.” Apsley Cherry-Garrard

Today felt balmy (it got up to 14 F) until the wind switched directions and blew cold air from the east. For a brief while, we all had our Big Red's off!

There are so many things we are thankful for here:

We are thankful for this beautiful continent

We are thankful the helicopter folks for bringing us supplies

We are thankful for Big Red even when it has rips

We are thankful for our goggles even when they get cracks

We are thankful for our Kahtoola MICROspikes so we don't slip on the ice

We are thankful for the computers and network so we can download video and still images from the R.O.V.'s and so I can upload my journal entries

We are thankful for good food like the Turkey dinner Stacy made us

(Marcus just gets credit for seeing if it is done!)

Stacy even baked a pumpkin pie, because...

We are SO THANKFUL that VideoRay found and mapped over 50 of Paul Dayton's "lost" experiments today!