Journal Entry

Posting Location- Christchurch, New Zealand

Local Posting Day and Time- Dec 23rd, 9:22 PM

Central Standard Posting Day and Time- Dec 23rd, 2:22AM

Today’s WATIZIT Picture


Answers to be provided in the future.

Today’s (or is it yesterday’s) math problem.

A science teacher arrives at the San Antonio airport at 11:00 AM. He travels for 28 hours. He arrives in New  Zealand at 11:00AM- 48 hours after he left San Antonio. How can 28 = 48? Is he 28 hours tired or 48 hours tired?

I knew in my mind that it was going to be a long trip to get to New Zealand, not to mention getting to Antarctica, but a couple of times during my flights it really hit home how far it was.

The first time was when I was sitting on the floor of the crowded Dallas airport waiting for my second flight. I laughed out loud at myself, when I thought, boy I’m already tired, then I realized that I was only a little more than 1/28th of the way there.

My second jolt happened when I woke up on the plane after it left Los Angeles. The flight attendants had fed us a meal, and I had fallen asleep, something I usually cannot do on an airplane. When I woke up I was excited to find out that we had already traveled for 4 hours from LA. I again laughed at myself realizing that meant we had only traveled 1/3 of the 12 hours it took us to get to NZ from LA.

Packed planePacked Airplane

Cabin of the 747-400 from LA to Aukland, NZ

Notice the monitors on the back of each seat.