Local Day and Time- New Year's Eve 7:45PM
Central Standard Day and Time- 12-31-07 12:45AM
McMurdo Weather
Temperature 25 Wind Direction Northeast Wind Speed 9 Wind Chill 14 Snowing
Answer to Yesterday’s WATIZIT
Tracked PickupCongratulations to Jeff for guessing this correctly.
Today’s WATIZIT Picture
WATIZITIn about 4 hours I will be a year ahead of you. It will be 2008 here and 2007 there.
One of the cool things about being here is meeting lots of interesting people. This morning I ate breakfast with a geologist who has spent 18 months (off and on) here on The Ice. He is working on projects both here and in Greenland. The research will help determine the changes in the amount of ice in the glaciers by using GPS to measure changes in the Earth’s crust.
Imagine a block of wood floating in a pan of water. Start stacking ice cubes on top of the block of wood. The more ice you add, the more the block of wood sinks. As the ice melts the wood floats higher. The Earth’s crust does the same thing as the block of wood. The more glacial ice. the deeper the Earth's crust sinks. As glaciers melt or slide off of the continent, the crust rises up.
There is alot of concern about what is hapening to the glacal ice in West Antarctica. So the geologist’s team will fly to numerous locations to set up GPS monitoring stations. Very substantial changes in the ice sheets in both Greenland and in West Antarctica.
We are still in the setting up and unpacking stage of things here.
How do you hook this thing up?
How Many Meteorologists Does It Take To Hook Up A Computer?
This afternoon I helped Jonas and Shelley who were switching out a couple of computers, which means I help hold and carry things.
Computer Transport Computer TransportComputers are Heavy!!!
I will spend the first night of the 2008 camping in Antarctica. Jonas and I are scheduled for snow school on the 1st and 2nd. Snow school, also called Happy Camper school. From what I understand, it is basically survival school. I'll tell more when I get back.
Happy New Year!!!