Last night I flew into Fairbanks from Chicago via Seattle, where I treated myself to a burrito, as I am wont to do. I did some work on the flight to Seattle, but then tried to sleep through most of the next flight, which was partially successful.

In Fairbanks, I borrowed the phone of someone I was sitting near on the plane to call the hotel to request the shuttle. I picked up my luggage, went outside, and proceeded to wait for over 30 minutes. Everyone parks outside the door to the airport, and there were several cars just sitting around. Eventually everyone left but me. I had to go back inside and ask a woman at the airport to call the hotel again. Apparently the shuttle van had come and gone and we missed each other. He came back and it was fine, just later than it could have been had I seen him the first time.
Today I got up early, and had a Skype call with my cousin's second grade class to introduce myself and the project. It was short but fun. Afterwards I went to the grocery store to buy some breakfast and spent ages deliberating over all the fun food choices before deciding on a bagel and cream cheese.
Later I took a taxi to the warehouse to try on my field gear, and found that a few pieces weren't the right size, so Larry took me to The Prospector store to get new things. We couldn't buy them just then, as someone in Denver had to authorize the purchase, but he took me back to the hotel afterwards.

I spent the afternoon doing a little work and then met Jeanette and Cory at the hotel. Eventually Jeanette dropped Cory and I off for dinner at a hot-pot restaurant which turned out to be great fun. Our waitress taught us how to cook the food and was a little sassy, in a fun way. It was a good time.

Tomorrow, we drive north and the real adventure begins!
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