Journal Entry

Orientation is great. We are very busy learning how to build our web pages. We are also getting the benefit of listening to many past "TRECers" and research scientists. It is all very interesting and very well planned out for us. But on Tuesday afternoon when we got an early release at 4pm – what do you think we did? What would you do? But of course, SHOP TIL U DROP.

We hit the streets of Fairbanks and went shopping. The shopping is really different here. Although there are many touristy sorts of things there are also many, many, many native things that you could only find in Alaska.

The first shop that we went into was a fossil shop – ok laugh if you want – yes we are science nerds, but hey "us” nerds are going to the poles! At the fossil shop we found mammoths tusks that were 10,000 – 50,000 years old. We also visited a fur shop. Hats, coats and boots you name it they were all made from fancy animals that use to have their own fancy fur coats. I may sound a little jaded here, but honestly I respect their cultural practices.

"PLAY PULL TABS” read the sign that lured me into an interesting shop. And sure enough that is what you do and that is all you do. Check out the photos below. You pick your tabs, pay the owner (I bought the $1 tabs) and then you pull off the perforated pieces of paper. I have to admit I never did get exactly how you could win on some of them, but the owner helped me. I went down 5 out of 5. But my new teacher bud Cameo won from two different tickets – she got 2 free tickets and went home without any extra cash.

**OH no there are so Pull Tabs to choose from... **

Time to Play Pull TabsTime to Play Pull Tabs

Satellite phones are a must for some research sites, where there are no cell towers. I will be using a landline most of the time, but occasionally may be using a satellite phone. We all learned about them today. Extra credit – find out why they are also called Iridium phones. After we learned we go to play. I tried to call Dr. Finley but he must’ve been screening his calls because he didn’t answer. So I called him using my cell and asked him to please answer his phone so I could practice using the satellite phone. It was great talking to him and I heard that he let everyone know at school that I had called and that everyone SCREAMED AND YIPPED. – thanks for those loud noises on my behalf.

Doesn't everyone get this much pleasure from talking on the Satellite phone?

Talking to Dr. Finley on the Satellite phoneTalking to Dr. Finley on the Satellite phone

The Reindeer Research Program at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks was an added bonus. I did know that Reindeer existed somewhere, but never made the connection with Alaska. I did look for Santa and Rudolf but this notion was quickly dismissed by Greg Finstad the project coordinator. We actually got to join the reindeer in their pens, take their photos and feed them – they eat hay and lichens. I took a few other things, we can call them Reindeer samples, that will be shared when I get back to school. Everyone keeps asking for a souvineer, but you really didn’t say what kind!

You may be wondering what the Reindeer research is all about. In a nut shell, they are trying make Reindeer farms so that people can eat them. I know right?… and if you know me, then you pretty much know what I am feeling, but let me end this Reindeer paragraph by saying – I don’t feel qualified to place judgment on this idea – not right now anyway.

It would be nice to hear what you have to think about this and it would count for extra credit. But do not contribute unless you are semi educated. Do a search for Reindeer Research Program in Fairbanks, AK.

Thanks for reading, Ttfn, Mrs. Eubanks

**This sweet girl seemed interested in my camera. Girls do have antlers too, isn't that great! **