"Sunny day... sweepin' the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet...”
This time I thank Sesame street, are you noticing a theme yet?

Wow, today is absolutely gorgeous! Chilly and windy but beautiful. If I look outside of the window I see what looks like Florida Skies.
But the only weird thing is the sun’s location all day. It does NOT make it’s way across the sky yet around it. Notice the height in the picture above.
It is about 4:pm right now and the sun is at the basic same height that I have noticed it to be since noon. But now it is in the western part of the sky whereas at noon it was sort of in the south east, which is when I shot the photo above. Last night when I left the lab at ~ 11:45pm the sun was in the northern part of the sky and a tad bit lower but not much.
Steve and Paulo had a meeting and Jose and I stayed in the lab and caught up with computer work. The field work is a little slow right now because we are waiting for the snow to melt. I suspect it won’t take long with all of that sunshine!

Speaking of sunshine, I was so busy in the lab last night that I forgot about the old sun. I came into the lab at around 7:30 pm and it was still light out (duh –obviously) but when I left I anticipated darkness. But as soon as I hit the door there was the sun, shining it’s little heart out and the birds chirping.
I snapped this shot of the female snowy bunting last night at midnight! Ha – who would expect such great lighting at a time like that. Well I guess anyone who lives in the Arctic Circle would.

Signing off from the Top of the World,
Have a Sunny Day!