Journal Entry

The greatest part of getting off a plane in a new country is seeing that guy standing there with a sign that has your name on it!

The long and winding road that leads to your door. Will never disappear. I've seen that road before it always leads me here. Leads me to your door.

Thanks Beatles for the lyrics

What a long, but great, great day. Travel always gives me a bit of stress. I really just want to get where I am supposed to be going, especially when dealing with airports/planes.

Today I stood in the shortest security check line of all time! It was delightful and kudos to the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Although they did tell me 9am was the very best time to come.

Alberto picked me and we had a two hour ride to La Selva. He did much better with his English then I did with my Spanish. Sadly, I wish I had put more time into learning.

We traveled through a town called Santo Domingo, which is known for it’s beautiful Spanish architecture. I learned that many of their buildings are made of a poop like material, which does quite well in this tropical environment. I want to learn more about this.

We drove through a National Park, where all vegetation seemed to be fit for the Jolly Green Giant and the temperature felt like it dropped 10 F.

As we drove into La Selva we stopped to watch a group of peccaries meandering about. I am certain I will get a few photos of them. I took a short and decided that this place must be where fairy tales are written about. It is to say the least, enchanting.

Stone Bridge La Selva Costa RicaStone Bridge La Selva Costa Rica

La Selva is beautiful as are the birds of La Selva. There were so many to look at and attempt to photograph in just a short time.

For my St. Mark students … are you interested in a little fun? Whoever can leave an “Ask the Team a Question” with the correct name of this bird of the day will get a prize from Costa Rica. Once the bird has been identified, I will post the real name. Have fun!


Bird of the Day- I am enclosing two photos, because they are dramatically different looking from front to back.

The Backside of a Slaty-tailed Trogen Trogen massenaCosta Rican Bird- Can you name me? The bellyside of a Slaty-tailed Trogen Trogen massenaHere is my front... who am i?

When you identify this bird type, please include the genius and species name as well as the common name. Also please list how you figured it out.