Journal Entry

Jack’s weather report:

Today it was……you guessed it…cloudy, with intermittent sun, throw in some fog, and of course the wind.  The high today was 38 °F and the low was 35 °F.

Current temp: 38 °F (3.3 °C)

Winds are out of the east at 14 kt (16 mph)

Yesterday’s weather was much like today, and I expect to wake up to pretty much the same conditions tomorrow when I go out to do my next shift at the biocomplexity site, taking the carbon flux measurements.

I had an opportunity last night to go out to Point Barrow on a 4-wheeler to take a look around. 

Point Barrow transportation 

It is about a 4 mile ride to the Point and then we took a right down a narrow peninsula separating the Beaufort Sea and Elson Lagoon.


Beaufort Sea is on the left and Elson Lagoon is on the right.

This took us to what truly is the furthest point you can go in the United States.  Strong currents pile ice up at the end and ice pieces flow by at a very fast clip…..birds too.

Sea birds floating by...I'll find out what they are and edit the page. 


Sitting on the ice at the top of the world. 

While we were there two hummers carrying tourists drove up.  The tourists got out, looked around few minutes and headed back into the warmth of the hummers.  They were clearly not prepared for the cold and the could you not be?