Journal Entry
Kevo Research Station is located in northern Finland, on the shores of Lake Kevojärvi. Click here to get to the Research Station's website. The research station is associated with the University of Turku, in southern Finland. This page of Kevo's website describes the area well.
Late SnowmeltI have been keeping a close eye on the webcam at Kevo. I have been happy to see that real ground has been slowly emerging from beneath the melting snowpack. I heard that Finland has been experiencing a slow spring, similar to our experience here in Alaska's Interior.
Fairbanks and the white meandering ribbon of the Tanana River are still snow covered in late April/early May, even though there is plenty of high-angle sunlight!How I am Getting There?
This video shows my air route from Fairbanks, Alaska to Ivalo, Finland. Ivalo has the northernmost airport in Finland, and from there I will be taking a bus north to Kevo.