It was sad to leave all the friends we made at Summit Station but I am looking forward to heading home.

Our first leg of our journey was to return to Kangerlussuaq. The plane was able to land at Summit on time and we had a smooth takeoff at Summit and a smooth landing on a real runway in Kangerlussuaq.
We were excited to be back in Kangerlussauq. It was a nice change of pace to see different colors besides blue and white.

We went to the local pizza place and I ordered musk ox pizza. It is like pepperoni pizza except that instead of slices of pepperoni, the pizza is topped with pieces of musk ox. It was delicious. I would highly recommend it.
The next stop was the river. You may remember from my June 27, 2011 journal that the river was really flowing quickly.
Here is what the river looks like now, three weeks after our first view.
Compare it to the following video from three weeks ago.
What do you notice about the color of the river? The amount of water that is flowing through this narrow gap? Has anything changed in three weeks? If so, what might have caused this change?