Journal Entry

We went to the US Army Corps of Engineers Permafrost research facility. It is located outside of Fairbanks along the banks of Goldstream Creek. Matt Strum is the chief scientist at the tunnel.

Matt Strum

Mr. StrumMr. Strum

Matt Strum describing an ice jam

The tunnel is a fascinating trip through time the deeper one goes into it. The record goes back in time to 40,000 years ago at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel could only go so far since they hit the bedrock. There were numerous "ice carrots” throughout the tunnel. The ice carrots are cracks in the soil that fill up with water and that have frozen over time. There are frozen microbes that are still viable. A little bit of Jurassic Park in Fairbanks! Researchers took some of the ice, thawed it out, and some bacteria came to life!

Mr. K pointing out some microbes!

Mr. K checking out the microbes!Mr. K checking out the microbes!

Mr. K pointing out the 40,000 year old frozen microbes

 Near the entrance of the tunnel are fossilized bones that are still embedded in the soil. There is a complete history to be read of the mega-fauna from the Pleistocene in Alaska. There were bison and wooly mammoth bones all over! A bison horn was sticking out about 12 inches. Check out the scapula that I found! (Actually, Mr. Strum’s son found it and it was already in the office…).

Mr. K holding a scapula

Mr. K holding a scapulaMr. K holding a scapula

Mr. K holding a scapula