Journal Entry

The PolarTREC teachers were all taught basic survival skills so that if anything were to happen unexpectedly, we might be prepared. The Polar Regions are a harsh, unforgiving environment and scientific expeditions are considered to be quite adventurous. We learned how to think and then calmly act in an emergency. Robert Harris, who went up into the Arctic on March 28, wrote a great summary of the training.

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Take the challenge and 'Learn to return!'

Number a piece of paper from one to ten.

Write the letter that best completes the question.

Learn to Return Challenge

  1. Survival training has how many major principals?

    a. One b. Two
    c. Three
    d. Four

  2. Bad things happen to good people means-

    a. Expect happy surprises
    b. Don't expect anything to happen c. Rotten things only happen to bad people d. Rotten things can happen to nice people

  3. Smart people plan ahead means

    a. Be prepared for the unexpected b. Order your lunch for breakfast c. Nothing bad will happen if you plan d. Buy your Christmas presents early

  4. Accidents, when they happen, are a loss of

    a. Appetite b. Weight
    c. Planning d. ControlĀ 

  5. Accidents happen when people are

    a. Tired, hungry and cold b. Bored, in a storm and rushing c. Dehydrated, angry and unsure d. All of the above

  6. When accidents happen, they are a signal to

    a. Slow down b. Take several deep breaths c. Try to get an idea of what is happening d. All of the above

  7. Injured people in the Arctic cold can live how many minutes without air?

    a. 30 seconds b. 3 minutes c. 15 minutes d. One hour

  8. If you are out in the polar region without any shelter how long can you live?

    a. Three hours without shelter b. Three days without shelter c. Three months without shelter d. Three years without shelter

  9. How long can you live without water in the severe cold?

    a. Three hours b. Three days c. Three weeks d. Three years

  10. The HIS/HER principal is a list of priorities in an accident situation. HIS stands for Hazards, Injury, and Shelter. HER stands for

    a. Heat, Energy and Rescue b. Hill, Ever and Rolling c. Hiccup, Eyeball, Ridged d. None of the above

Check your answers with your teacher to see if you would be a good person to take with on a scientific expedition to the polar region.