Journal Entry

Despite the broken winch, we were able to drop the fish pots and caught quite a few fish. The video here will give you a taste of our adventure. It was pretty snowy out on Dallman Bay as we pulled up the pots. The ECW - extreme cold weather - gear was incredibly warm though not terribly flattering. The layers and the float coat left me warm but looking like an overstuffed orange penguin. We were unable to catch the icefishes we set out to get, but we managed to catch a couple of other red-blooded fish that we need for our work down here. In particular, the 'Gbby' fish which I mentioned in an earlier journal. These different species of fishes that we are studying swim primarily with their 'pectoral' fins. In their honor, Dr. Crockett treated us to the traditional dance dedicated to the Gibbies. it's important to work with what you have when you are hit with unexpected obstacles and remember to keep a sense of humor. The Gibby dance definitely boosted our spirits as I'm sure it will yours...