Journal Entry

Today was a very busy day and a very jumbled kind of day. Elizabeth had two web-based meetings today. Her first meeting was with Dr. Ted Schuur and Dr. Natali back at the University of Florida. They talked about the recent data and how that looked and they talked about what needed to be changed with the sampling over the next week. Her second meeting was about being part of an on-line class for teachers. She spoke about our project and answered questions for them. She did a very good job! We then went through some of the equipment that was picked up in Fairbanks yesterday and found out that there may be some issues with that! I helped the best that I could and then moved on to working on other things.

One of the other things that I am getting prepared for is the International Polar Year Conference in Montreal, Canada this April. The conference is a huge meeting of poIicy makers, researchers, educators, and people who live in the Arctic, all coming together to talk about what is happening to the Polar Regions and Climate Change. I was lucky enough to be selected to a small group of international teachers who will attend a two-day workshop and then the main research conference for five days. It should be really fun and exciting speaking with teachers from many other countries and sharing stories about our lessons and students! There will be other PolarTREC teachers there and Janet and Sarah will be conducting some lessons for PolarTREC.

View our FrostByte video for the conference;

Also, at the main scientific conference I was selected to present a poster showing the work we have done in Healy with Dr. Natali, students from Healy, students from Talbert, and PolarTREC. There will be over 2,000 scientists from around the world talking and sharing and looking at the poster, along with the teachers, who will all see how interested in science Fountain Valley students are! I will be flying straight to Montreal from Fairbanks to attend the conference before I head home.

So today I worked on my poster and some of the paperwork that I will need to attend and present. Tomorrow we are back in the field with some old and new experiments to conduct. I hope the weather holds out! And, most of the dogs are out on a sled trip, but five dogs couldn’t go. I did go out and feed them and talked with them a bit. They are all sad that they had to stay behind, but they will go next time.