Journal Entry
In the classroom:

Me working in class with PolarTREC teacher Glenn Clark from Parishville, NY at the week long PolarTREC Orientation in Fairbanks, AK.
Out of the classroom:

Inside the Permafrost Tunnel maintained and operated by the U.S. Army's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. It is used for research on permafrost. I'm holding a mastodon shoulderblade.

NASA Operation IceBridge plane being readied for departure to Thule, Greenland at Fairbanks Airport. PolarTREC teacher Mark Buesing from Libertyville, IL will be traveling with them leaving April 3. 2013.
Follow Mark on his expedition!

Tents at the CH2M Hill Polar Field Services Equipment Supply Warehouse. CH2M Hill is the Arctic Logistics Provider for the National Science Foundation (funds PolarTREC).
In the evening:

Salmon carved from ice at the World Ice Art Championships in Fairbanks, AK.

Yeah, you thought I was on a ski vacation...evening activity, skiing on the Tanana River south of Fairbanks, AK.

The Northern Lights, picture taken using Mark Buesing's camera in Creamers Field Fairbanks, AK.