Journal Entry

The First Step is to Dream

Arctic DreamsArctic Dreams, a MUST Read

A lot of the fun in adventuring is to dream about where you might go, what you might see and who you might meet along the way. For me, dreaming begins at the library and lucky for me, my librarian feeds my dreams with many marvelous books.

From the deep recesses of my memory, I recalled a book called "Arctic Dreams" by Barry Lopez. This book has helped me dip my toe into the deep waters of arctic ecology. Barry Lopez has opened a world for me that is both foreign and thrilling.

make prayers to the ravenThe Koyukon First People

The book "Make Prayers to the Raven" describes the Koyukon's spiritual and physical relationship with the animals, plants and sky and earth. The Koyukon are the First Peoples of the Northern Boreal Forest. Learning about the Koyukon relationship with their home causes me to yearn for such a bond, yet at the same time this closeness scares this snot out of me! It seems that these people walk with the understanding that every step and every action has a meaning and a consequence both physically and spiritually.

NAturalist ArcticFrom Walrus to Insects and Beyond

I have not yet cracked a "Naturalist's Guide to the Arctic" or " A Naturalist in Alaska", but will pack both these books as well as many others with me on my month-long car journey to Denali.

Naturalist AlaskaGrizzly, Wolves and Caribou

The Second Step is to Start Packing....


Judy Fahnestock

You've got some great books there! I hope you have time to read them all. Another one that I would highly recommend (and my favorite) is "Two in the Far North" by Margaret Murie. What adventures she and Olaus had!
Happy Packing!

Susan Steiner

Naturalist's guide to the Arctic is very readable...what a great list you have! How awesome you are taking a month and driving there...what a wonderful way to experience a more full picture and backdrop to your research!