Journal Entry

Sky is the dog this week. Why? Because for the last couple of weeks of the expedition you will get to meet more of the family. Remember, Spunky was Jade's mother. Jade and Spotlight had six puppies. Sky is one of those puppies! And you will be meeting more of them soon.

SkySky is a lovable dog!

When we went for our dog walk today I asked if we could take Sky for two main reasons. The first reason is because sky has his house close to the front of the dog yard so he is easy to see whenever you walk by. And, being up front you notice him more than some of the other dogs. He is not too loud and always willing to wag his tail and stare at you for attention. You know how dogs are! Then you can't help but notice that his right ear has a droop to it! Which is the second reason I like him.

The story is that he was born with it that way. It's fine. When he his really excited or running or listening for sounds in the forest, it stands right up just like the other one. But most of the time it just droops.

Droopy ear.Sky has a droopy ear that you can't miss.

Sky is a very good and strong sled dog. He is three years old, and has a very good and friendly attitude. He is not a leader. When he has been put up front on the team he does fine for a while, but then he loses focus and his mind wonders off. He is perfectly happy to be following some of the other dogs while doing his share of the work.

Fast and strongSky is not a leader, but he is fast and strong!

By the end of the walk we were getting back toward the house and most of the dogs ran ahead. After a minute of so Sky came running back with what was left of the road kill. He was very happy that he had found something that smelled so good. He ran the foot around, dropped for a while to work on it, and then picked it up and brought it back up toward the house. That is a very happy dog!

Sky and the road killSky found a nice smelly moose foot to play with.