PolarConnect, Toolik Farewell, and Next Steps
Fairbanks, AK
June 30, 2019
Video of the Day:
Earlier this week, Dr. Rose Cory and I were able to present the work from this past month via internet livestream as a PolarTREC PolarConnect Event. Many thanks to PolarTREC for recording our presentation and posting it!
Yesterday morning, I left Toolik Field Station to return to Fairbanks. It was definitely a bittersweet departure, as I will really miss the great community at this unique research station.
I owe a special thanks to the Cory/Kling/Crump group, with whom I’ve worked very closely this past month. This group represents such a positive and effective collaboration. My time at Toolik was an incredibly rich learning experience for me, and I am so grateful to these scientists for their kindness, patience, and knowledge.
The Cory/Kling/Crump group in front of the Dry Lab at Toolik Field Station. From right to left: Dr. George Kling, Dr. Rose Cory, Natasha Christman, Katie Polik, Jason Dobkowski, Chris Cook, Em Daily, Emma Rieb, Satya Kent, Dr. Byron Crump, Karl Romanowicz, David Walker.So what’s next? When I return to Austin, I will begin actively working on translating this research into lesson plans and inquiry-based projects for high school students. I plan to continue to collaborate with my research team to design these projects, and we hope to present on this work at a variety of academic conferences over the next couple of years. I will continue to post updates and would love your feedback!
Looking out over the North Slope from Atigun Gorge, in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: Karl Romanowicz.Comment below!
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