Journal Entry

**Polar-date March 4, 2008 **

Hi again from Fairbanks, Alaska. If you were wondering what the mystery picture was about in my last entry, I’ll tell you – that’s my UV bead bracelet. A teacher who is here also for training, Robin Elwood, from Rye, NH gave all of us some UV beads and a leather string. These beads are made of a special plastic that reacts to UV radiation (sunlight). I’ve been wearing my UV bracelet and finally got a chance to check out the "magic” beads today when we took a little break from training. The picture proves the sun was shining and the beads work! For more information on UV beads and how they work, click on the file attachment at the bottom of this page.

Today we learned about how to manage our pictures on this website by using the very sophisticated and special technology that has been invented just for the PolarTREC teachers. We have many technical people to help us and they are unbelievably patient and knowledgeable which makes our lives very easy.

Later all of us PolarTREC 2008 teachers along with some of the PolarTREC alumni teachers went out for a stroll through the shopping district. Here’s a picture of a very unique item in one of the shops.

What a tuskWhat a tusk

Can you guess what it is?

I’ll let you know in the next journal ☺