Journal Entry

A journey begins with a first step……

My flight took off at 10:50 AM Friday and arrived around 1:30 AM the next morning. arrive in Fairbanks, Alaska from Corpus Christi, Texas takes 10 flying hours and 4 plane changes covering 3704 miles.

Of course being in south Texas where snow is never if ever seen…who could go to bed without spending some time outside in the snow sprinkle (my term only for a light snow)? You got it, in the very early hours of the morning. I am out in the snow. I go to bed full of excitement even though I had been up for nearly 21 hours. Orientation starts on Sunday.

Andrea in the snowMe in the snow in the wee hours in the morning.

Teachers from across the country selected and gathered for the PolarTREC training to learn best practices for disseminating the research we will encounter on our expeditions. You can feel the energy and excitement in the room. I think to myself, what a great group of people to have connections with now and in the future.

A room with a view

Room with a viewWhat a beautiful view from my hotel room.

Car Cable

The car cable is used to plug into an outlet to keep the engine warm allowing it to start when exposed to extended periods of extreme temperatures.

OutletOutdoor electrical outlet used to plug the car cable into.