Coffee Times and Joseph-Beth Booksellers
After a frantic night of typing and glueing, my displays looks much better. On Saturday I made an appearance at Coffee Times Coffee House. I was outside and talked to people as they stopped for some coffee.

Like I mentioned before Coffee Times gave me a bag of coffee to take to Greenland. I chose Organic Peruvian. This coffee is brewed locally in Lexington, KY.

I also made an appearance at Joseph-Beth Booksellers on Sunday. I gave a short presentation and then had some hands on activities such as blubber hands, a demonstration on CO2 warming, sea level rise, which materials keep you warm, and trying on expedition gear. Additionally, I was lucky to get support from the Bluegrass Bee Keepers and the state Apiarist. They were able to provide materials, attend the event, and even help present.

I had a great time and talked to some very interested adults and children. I am so thankful that Coffee Times and Joseph-Beth gave me the opportunity to share my upcoming expedition.