Going to work today began with putting on several layers of clothing including my ECW, Extreme Weather Gear. This includes snow pants, a couple hats, a pair of thin gloves and mittens, and of course my BIG RED.

I then walked to visit the guys who needed to check out my computer to insure that it was safe to connect to the station's internet. There I met Holly, Brody and Deke
These are the guys who provide help to any of us who need it. It is always interesting to hear a little about peoples' stories out here.
Then I went in search of a shuttle. On this search I introduced myself to Sondra who works in the human resources department. Sondra got on the phone and found where the shuttle stop is located and I made my way there. This shuttle took me on a 10 minute ride down to the ice runway.

Then is was a short slippery walk on the ice to "the office" where some of our team, Cameron, Fernando, Logan were hard at work testing equipment and preparing it to be loaded onto the twin otter airplane.
Then it was time for me to check out the plane.

The plane is undergoing a transformation today. The crew, mechanics and engineers that manage the aircraft were removing the floor and replacing it with one that will enable the CReSIS team to attach all their radar equipment to the inside of the plane safely.
Currently everything is flying in and out of this ice runway, but on Friday all the huts, planes fuel tanks, and equipment will be moving to the runway called Pegasus. During this move there is no flying for two days. This move will take place at the end of the week, so the hope is that the CReSIS team will get two days of flying completed before that move.
Well, I have been at "The Office" for about an hour. Hope your Monday morning is a "cool" as mine!
Coffee break is over so back to helping.
Mr. Wesche, the non-coffee drinker