Hello Kansas scientists! I'm here in cold Alaska to learn how to survive in Greenland on the ice this summer. You should see the giant banks of snow along the roads! You know how we have been waiting to make snow cones in Kansas? We could make a lot of snow cones here. Wish I could just get the snow home! Last night at dinner I learned what a dry cabin is. In Alaska, there are many people who live in these. They are homes without running water. How can you live without running water? In Fairbanks this is no problem! Here you'll find the Water Wagon! With six pumps, residents can take a five gallon or a twenty gallon container to haul water or use their own truck with a 200 gallon tank. There is a trick to this, however. New Fairbanks residents need to know which of the 2 pumps are used for smaller containers or they will have a high pressure pump blasting water all over the place! Water, by the way, costs 25 cents a gallon. If a dry cabin doesn't have running water, what else doesn't it have? Toilets and showers? Many public places have showers for residents of dry cabins so you can shower in a warm place. Dry cabins have out houses. Imagine needing to use one in below zero temperatures in the middle of the night! Living in a dry cabin must be very adventurous...
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