Journal Entry

10:30 AM-Our original take off time delayed due to weather at NEEM camp

We're ready!LC-130 Cargo Plane

10:45 AM-Weather clears at NEEM so we are given yellow earplugs and prepare to board

11:00 AM- The load master takes 10 passengers at a time for loading

Load master RandyRandy loads us. He is part of the U.S. Airforce, 109th Tactical Group, Scotia, NY

11:30 AM- The "skier” (cargo plane with skis) really takes off!

Wheels or skis for take off?This is called a skier!

12:00 PM -Journaling begins!

Yes, journaling!Cheri writing in her new journal from Justin

12:30 AM- Box lunch with musk ox sandwiches!

1:00 PM- Northern Greenland views from the back windows

Wow! Icebergs!View of Greenland from the window at the back of "skier"

2:15 PM-Land with a thump and ski to our camp sight

Landing at NEEM Camp!Our plane skiied for 2 and half miles before stopping

2:25 PM-Load sleds with ski doos to take us to the dome

Sleds take us from the skiway to campThe skidoos pulled our sleds fast so the plane could leave


We're off!Two sleds help take more passengers to camp