Oh yes, scientists love Twister!
John, an undergrad at the University of Pittsburgh, created an awesome bracket for our Twister Tournament.The Twister Tournament was voluntary, but 23 people signed up, including 2 out of the 4 Principle Investigators and the Chief Scientist. We started playing this afternoon; it was very fun and funny! Sad to say but I did lose my game to Laura, one of the Principle Investigators for the corals group.
Laura and I were forced into some crazy positions!Our game was fun and competitive. Laura is really good! A loser’s bracket is scheduled for tomorrow. I am looking forward to redeeming myself.
The science news for the day started off very good. The dredge that started very early in the morning collected many rocks. They decided to keep 2 different types of rocks, 3 different igneous rocks and 1 sedimentary rock. Check out these rocks in the photo gallery! The igneous rocks were again andesites, dacites, and granites. The sedimentary rock was made of volcanic ash sediments. We just recently brought up our twelfth dredge, which was a retry on our dredge #6 location that was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, again it was completely empty. The big chain net that collects and holds the rocks was turned out through the "mouth” of the dredge. I guess this location is just not meant to be, so we are headed south for about 12 hours before reaching out next dredge site. We are all hopeful that it will bring better results.