Journal Entry

The webinar was a great success! I really enjoyed presenting my experiences to many students all over the US. The scientists were also very impressed with the level of questions that were asked by the students. I hope that everyone that participated enjoyed it as much as we did here on the ship.

I must express my gratitude-- I want to thank everyone onboard the NBPalmer for a great experience. Especially all of the geo team, Ian, Larry, Julian, Peter, Marcy, Alan, Matt, Kevin, and Lauren for allowing me on this awesome learning experience, making me feel welcome, and for sharing their passion and enthusiasm for science! It has been a true pleasure and really given me a new spark and excitement for both doing science and teaching science! Thank you to all the teachers and students for participating in this experience by subscribing to the webinar, writing questions, and staying involved. A final thank you to Kristin and Janet and the whole ARCUS/Polartrec team for all their hard work on this amazing website.

Special Message to my 5th graders and 5th grade team at Zilker Elementary in Austin, TX— Congratulations on your amazing science TAKS scores. I am very proud of all your hard work and effort! I have missed all of you dearly and I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! Thank you so much Mrs. Ogren, Ms. Murray, and Mrs. Scott for supporting me in this exciting experience and for organizing the webinar at Zilker! Zilker ROCKS!