Journal Entry

I've arrived! After a few legs of flights, I stepped out of Fairbanks International Airport and expected to feel even the tiniest bit of the cool from February's visit, and I was met with warmth and sunshine and some of the coolest cloud patterns I've ever seen! It took my a while to get my Satellite Phone working properly, but I am sending this journal with it. Pretty amazing!

After settling into my hotel, it was time to meet a few of my new team members for the expedition, who are all funny and kind and smart. We headed to ground zero at the local Falafel Stand and promptly went to do what is arguably the most important task of the whole trek! SHOPPING!

The cartThe cart

Five of us split up and took Fred Meyer's by storm. 7 carts, 4 hours, and thousands of dollars later, we had the essentials to feed and take care of 12 people in the remote Alaskan wilderness for a couple of weeks. I got to purchase a few things I never had before, like soup powder and since I'm not a huge spice girl, it took a while to find all of the different kinds of spices. I had one of the most fun lists-- snack foods! I wisely chose different cookies and crackers and chocolate because it's these comforts that really make a trip.