As I walked along Shelikof Street that follows the docks, I encountered a slice of life that is very different from Charles County, Maryland. The area was filled with processing plants and warehouses that support the fishing and seafood industry. One warehouse sold nets used in the fishing industry. Click on the video to find out about nets and some of the fish caught in the nearby waters.
Much fish and seafood is processed in Kodiak and sent around the world. As I walked into one processing plant, I saw how they recycled all of the non-edible crab parts. It is a noisy, wet job. Click on the video to watch the workers in action.
The time in Kodiak is coming to an end as the USCGC Healy has arrived to the city dock.
The USCGC Healy docked in Kodiak AlaskaOnto the boat for a 21-day adventure breaking ice on the Bering Sea, Deanna Wheeler 2009 PolarTREC Teacher