How cold is it there? This is usually the first question most people ask me when I tell them I've been to Greenland. Just like the temperature where you are, the answer depends on the time of the year and the current atmospheric conditions. So what are they really asking?
Do they want to know how cold it was on a particular day or do they want to know how cold they could expect it to be typically? In other words, are they are either asking me what the weather in Greenland was like when I was there or are they asking me what the climate of Greenland is like?
Weather = short term atmospheric conditions (cloud coverage, temperature, winds, precipitation, etc.); what is happening now
Climate = weather data averages over a long period of time (usually at least 30 years); what you expect based on past experience
Find the current weather in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland here: Or
or in Summit, Greenland here:
Find information on Greenland’s climate here:
Here is more information about the difference between climate and weather: