Today's student commentary
Submitted by Christine Nohr Pedersen (Denmark)

Today we woke up at 7 am and in spite of the fact that the wind chill made the air feel like minus 22° C we were well protected in our polar gear.

We had to pack our sleeping kit and stack our bags before 7.30 am so they were ready to be loaded on the plane. But the question we asked ourselves all morning was if the plane would be able to land and bring us back to Kangerlussuaq. It was a bit thrilling when we were told that the plane’s departure wasn’t confirmed as planned. Luckily the plane was only a little delayed but as we already have learned there are many difficulties with transportation in arctic. But this morning the plane took off without any troubles and we left Summit at 11.00 am.

When we stepped out of the plane in Kangerlussuaq, the weather was totally different from what we were dressed to: sun and warmth. It was a relief to get back to the school, take a shower and change the polar gear with shorts and T-shirt. We had the rest of the afternoon off so we could recover after the trip to Summit Station. In the evening we shared pictures from the stay at Summit which was a very good way to round off three memorable days.

Today's teacher commentary
*Submitted by Shelly Hynes (USA)
Agenda Highlights
1) Bags packed for the pallet at 7:30am
2) Watching the cloud ceiling and the snow density measurements
3) Return to Kangerlussuaq
4) Sharing photos from Summit
polesmix (Danish) - meal of sliced sausage and fries covered with curry ketchup